Monday 5 September 2011

First Post Nerves

So, I'm moving to France in 22 days. That's 528 hours. That's 'I can't even work out how many' minutes. Despite the past year being about sorting out finances and placements and filling out countless forms I'm excited about going. (I say that now. Come back to me in 500 hours time. Things may be a little different.)
I thought I would try to start a blog to describe my life when I move, thinking that people will ask 'Rose, how's life in France?' and I'll say 'Well, just take a look at my blog whydontcha?' Of course, this may not happen. And I could be writing (as I am now) to no one. Posting onto the Internet for no one to see... The hardest part of this setting up a blog business was thinking up a hilarious name which was both thought provoking and ironic. As you can see, this didn't happen. Instead I called this blog 'Je ne comprends pas,' which I imagine will be a phrase I will be using a lot over the coming year. Unfortunately. I imagine some hilarity could emerge from my wonderful use of Franglais and of course it'll be published onto this blog for everyone to laugh at me. That's another thing - I've never had a blog before and I have two reasons why not. Firstly, I've never had anything to write about before. (I wanted to start one about which clothes I want to buy but can't afford. I was told that was a stupid idea) and secondly, I really don't want to sound pretentious. So I can't promise how well this is going to go. I feel like I might give up on it after approximately 3 posts. Much like a New Years Resolution to start writing a diary every night when you were a kid (I never got past January.)
I imagine everyone reading this I know, and know me. But I have this romantic idea that one day someone from a far corner of the earth will stubble unwillingly along this blog and become so enthralled by the content that they'll want to read every single post. So I'll introduce myself. My name is Rose. I'm 20 years old and currently living in Fordingbridge, UK. It's a teeny place no one's ever heard of so I'll say I'm from Salisbury (which no ones ever heard of either) so maybe I'll then move onto Bournemouth (sometimes that's known.) I go to University in another teeny place called Egham at Royal Holloway. I seem to like living places where no one knows so I say London. Then they say 'oh, where abouts? I've got a friend in Tottenham/Lambeth/Edgware' (delete as appropriate) and then I have to go backwards again and say 'Well actually it's in Surrey...' Anyhoo, I study French and Drama.
Therefore I have to spend my third year abroad in France so I am. I am going to be working for a lycée in Valbonne/Sophia Antipolis teaching English. So, I'm going to be living in Antibes in the b-e-a-utiful Côte d'Azur.
This is probably why I'm excited. Whilst I'm sat at home on a Monday morning and it's half raining, I'm dreaming of warm and sunnier climates. I'm excited about experiencing the French way of life, (but again maybe come back to me in a few weeks when I'm all alone in a hostel in France with no friends...)
My main worry right now is accommodation. I've got no where to live, which is a bit scary. Searching for flatmates on the Internet is weird, I don't like the idea of randomly finding someone and asking them to live with you! Usually I would want to get to know someone before I make such a decision... But, I have faith that I'll find somewhere soon. And in the mean time will procrastinate on making any decisions, preparing in anyway and packing. Maybe I'll go make some lunch instead...

1 comment:

  1. Mm, that's actually a really good name for a blog about living in France! Jealous I didn't come up with it...
