Tuesday 31 January 2012

Snow Days

I never work on a Tuesday, it's my day off (yep, it's super annoying not having it on a Monday or Friday so that I can have a long weekend...) so I wasn't going to trek up to Sophia Antipolis today. But once again, my brilliant luck means that today was a snow day down here and everyone got the day off school! Of course it couldn't have happened tomorrow when I have to go in.... I'm still hoping the snow warnings continue.
There's just one thing that's slightly weird about having a snow day today.

This is the view outside my front door, can you see any snow?! The buses aren't running because there is a snow risk, therefore school is closed. Not a single snowflake has fallen from the sky today - just bucketfuls of rain. 
I love French logic. 

Thursday 5 January 2012

Je vous souhaite une bonne année 2012

You know that feeling when you return from somewhere and it feels like you've never been away? That's happened to me twice in a month.
The first being - returning back to England before Christmas for a couple of weeks, and the second being a mere 3 days ago, returning back to France after said 'séjour' to England.
(I have also had the complete opposite of this feeling when thinking about blogging. It feels like I haven't been here in ages - oh wait I haven't.)
Going back to England was great, and in some respects it felt like I was never away, (even though i'd been away for about 3 months) however in others it was really weird. Hearing English being spoken everywhere was especially strange, and I of course, took full advantage of Topshop. Having Topshop would make France amazing. Oh and Marks and Spencer Food Hall. And Nandos. And Primark...this could go on a while. Needless to say I definitely enjoyed my home comforts, just a shame that most of them seem to include shopping or food...weird.
When I got home, I was surprised to find that i'd kind of forgotten about Christmas. I know that I was going home for that precise reason, but I was counting down to when I was going home, not for actual Christmas day. So after this revelation I had to dash over to Bournemouth to do all Christmas shopping in a day. Was successful and a much easier way to shop for Christmas so therefore I recommend forgetting about it until a week before.
And then the flight back to France came, and I found myself with considerably more luggage than I had when I left. Hmmm, not sure how that happened. After the comfort and amazing-ness of Terminal 5 at Heathrow, a few short hours later I found myself dragging two suitcases and a handbag through the arrivals gate of Nice Cote d'Azur airport, onto a bus and through the drizzling streets of Antibes. Looked more mental and deranged than most tramps by the time I got to my front gate but none the less I was home. Pretty much everything is the same here since I left, as they still (as i'm writing this on the 5th January) have Christmas lights and decorations up. Why?!
One thing that has changed is that everyone goes out of their way to wish you 'Bonne Année' - normal at the beginning of January, I hear you cry. True. What is not normal are the massive signs throughout the town saying that the mayor of Antibes et Juan Les Pins (insert appropriate French town) wishes you a good 2012. I've been told that people will still say 'Bonne Année' to you in February or later, if they haven't seen you yet this year. I'm hoping this happens and will be sure to report if I get any later than the end of the week.
Not sure who Michel Platini is, or why he and the Renault 12 wishes you a good 2012.