Thursday 29 September 2011

Je suis arrivée!!

So, got to Antibes on Tuesday and it is now Thursday evening. The first 2 days or so have been busy and full of mixed emotions. Therefore blogging has not been top on my list of priorities.
My dad came out with me for the first few days to help me which was good (especially as our hire car turned out the be the coolest Fiat 500 ever. Soft top and everything.) But thanks for coming Dad :-)
Me being me, a complete wimp, I've been tearful for most of the two days I've been here.My last post said I was excited and I kind of am but as soon as it hit me I was actually going to move to a country where I had to speak (pretty poor) French and where I know no one the excitement shimmied away. I majorly need a dose of man up right now.
So, what have I done? I have so far -
- Found the school i'm working in. It's not in Antibes but a town called Sophia Antipolis. It is the weirdest place ever. It's a relatively new town which was made especially to be a business district. The result of this seems to be a mix between Centre-Parcs (off of holidays when I was little) and RHUL campus. It freaked me out when we first got here, but i'm kind of used to it already.
- Met my 'responsable'. This is the person who is supposed to look after me a bit at the school. He seems nice and has given me my timetable and some very exciting books. I have a 'cahier de textes du professeur' where i'm supposed to write down things we do in class and to keep work i've collected from the students, a 'carnet d'appel par professeur' which is basically a register (exciting!). And a 'cahier de textes pour groupe' but i'm really not sure what i'm supposed to do with that one. Maybe I should find out.
- Temporarily move to Lycée accommodation. All I can say is my room is off of the 1970s and it's very orange. Feels like living in halls again, but more ... orange.
- Bought a French mobile. After much confusion I have a french number and the most amazing phone off of the early 2000s, which cost 24euro with 5euro credit on it. I thought that i'd be able to use my iPhone, mais non. I kind of feel like my arm has been chopped off without it, does France not understand that?!
- Organised viewing a flat. But this didn't go well because the flat didn't have a doorbell. How am I supposed to tell someone I'm here if there's no doorbell!? I decided not to go for that one...
- Got stopped in Carrefour on suspicion of shoplifting. This was whilst Dad was still with me, and he was carrying a back pack and the checkout woman wanted to see inside and then security came over. Unfortunately he had in there a pack of biscuits and a pack of croissants. The croissants were from a different shop, but the biscuits were from Carrefour - we just bought them the day before. Of course we didn't have the receipt so I learnt a valuable lesson not to wear a back pack and especially not in Carrefour. We got away with it and I don't think the police are tracking me...
- Opened a bank account. I think. Not entirely sure what i'll end up with or what I've signed up for but I guess we'll see. I don't understand banks in the UK, let alone in France!
- Took a bus. 1Euro a journey, bargain! Much cleaner/tidier/nicer than Wilts and Dorset buses (French bus drivers will answer your question about which stop you want!), even though every time the bus turns a corner you either fall over or fall out of your seat. The french are really bad drivers.
- Met people! I met two other assistants today in Antibes, and I was really glad to meet them and see that I hopefully won't be lonely for the whole time i'm here.
And finally I got over my not sleeping/not eating period caused by anxiety. So therefore, I must go finish my ridiculously massive apple (seriously it's like a melon) and then sleep. Night :-)