Monday 21 November 2011

The general moanings, groanings and annoyances of an English Language Assistant.

I'm currently sat at home trying to plan my next lessons, and I cannot for the life of me think of anything exciting to do. I think it's because I was at school not that long ago that I easily remember the boredom and exasperation of doing another lesson which seemed to be the same as the last.
Me and the class...
What I really want to do is to work with video clips of films/songs etc... because most films over here are just English or American ones which have been dubbed into French. A good source of language and culture, yes?! However I can't do this because I seem to work in a school off of the olden days. There are no projectors or computers in class. Most of my classrooms still have chalk boards, which is rubbish because my writing resembles many little squished spiders when using chalk so I then spend most of the class re-writing and spelling out words for the kids. Even more ridiculous today was that I was using a classroom which DIDN'T EVEN HAVE ENOUGH CHAIRS. And this class was made up of only 6 students. Utterly ridic.
So, as a result of a lack of technology or resources I've been getting them all to do presentations on some film posters which I have printed off (in black and white obviously, a colour printer would be much too modern!). And actually, it seems to have gone really well and you can easily adapt it for most age groups. The only problem now is how blooming bored I am with those posters. The sentence "This poster is advertising the film Titanic which is a film about a sink - sunking - sinking - sunked boat. I know this because there is a big boat on the poster" will now send me into a mental breakdown.
If anyone can think of some wonderful things for me to do, ideas on a postcard please. I'm wondering how early I can start with the Christmas lessons, I know where I am with Christmas. I'm looking forward to teaching the word "tinsel" 12 times a week.

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